Pool Hours
The pool will be in operation from Memorial Day to Labor Day; preseason hours will be limited. When necessary, the pool will be closed at the discretion of the pool management for maintenance, weather, health conditions and/or any other reason deemed proper by management.
Rules & Regulations
In the interest of providing a safe, clean, and aesthetically pleasing environment, we would like to remind all members of the following basic rules. Keep in mind these are the basic rules. For a full disclosure of all our rules, you can request a hardcopy from the Business Office
- Membership cards must be presented to gain entry to the pool.
- Running is prohibited anywhere on the pool grounds.
- No roughhousing, horseplay, or throwing of objects in the pool or on the grounds.
- Use the ladder or stairs when exiting the pool. Sitting and playing on the ladders or stairs is prohibited.
- Diving is permitted only off the diving board.
- Flotation devices are NOT permitted in the main pool. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times. If you, the parent or guardian, are not within arm’s reach, you are too far!!
- At times, sections of the pool may be closed.
- No pets are permitted on club property, with the exception of service animals. Service animals must provide proper legal documentation upon request.
- With the exception of special nights (pizza night, etc.) all food & drinks MUST be kept in the picnic area. ONLY clear water bottles are permitted on the grounds. Coolers are not permitted by your chair side. They must be put on the shelves in the picnic area. Anyone in violation of this will be suspended for the day.
- DO NOT BRING ANYTHING MADE OF GLASS onto the pool property. No glass drink bottles (e.g. Snapple) -including baby bottles. No glass food containers or trays.
- NO alcoholic beverages of any kind are permitted. Any person considered by the pool management to be under the influence of alcohol/drugs will be removed from the club and/or denied access.
- All persons MUST shower before entering pool. Street clothes are not permitted in the pool, only bathing suits may be worn into the pool by state health code.
- Admission to the pool shall be refused to anyone with a cold, inflamed eye, skin rash or infection.
- All Band Aids and Bandages must be removed before entering the pool.
- Furniture is not permitted on the concrete decks areas around the pools for emergency reasons.
- Strollers must be kept at least five (5) feet from the deck for the child’s safety.
- Smoking is NOT permitted anywhere inside the facility. Smoking is permitted outside the front gate near the corner under the front tree. There is a receptacle for your cigarette waste.
- Children must be completely toilet trained to use the main pool. Swim diapers are not permitted anywhere but the kiddie pool. Any parent caught bringing a diapered child into the main pool will be suspended immediately.
- Use of the kiddie pool shall be limited to children under 7 years of age. Hard, rigid toys will NOT be allowed in the kiddie pool. Lifeguard supervision is in addition to your supervision. The Lifeguard is watching the entire pool not just your child.
- Children under 10 years of age will not be permitted within the club grounds unless accompanied by a person over 16 years of age.
- Children between the ages of 10 and 12 must be accompanied by a person over 16 years of age unless the child has taken the water & rule test. A parent’s and a manager’s signature must be present on the back of membership card indicating parent’s/manager’s approval and passage of both tests.
- Any one wishing to use the Diving Boards MUST take the Dive Test. Members will receive a silicone wrist band and our guest passing the test will receive a wrist band of the day. Name will be recorded. Replacement fee for lost silicone wrist bands is $5.00 per band.
- The pool and grounds must be cleared during a thunderstorm. It is not permitted to sit under trees, umbrellas, overhangs or bathrooms. There is NO showering permitted during a thunderstorm. We suggest that the safest place is in your car or your home until the storm passes.
- Guests must be accompanied by a member who is at least 13 years old. If a child is younger, he or she may have a guest who is at least 16 years old who will be acting in the supervisory capacity (Example: Babysitter)
- Guest fees must be paid with a credit card. Cash is not accepted at the pool (except at the snack stand).
- Members are responsible for the behavior of their guest and may be suspended for their guest’s inappropriate actions.
- Chairs and lounges cannot be reserved by or for members or guest who are not on the club grounds. Chairs are not permitted on the decks
- Disobedience of guards’ orders or insolent replies will not be tolerated. Persons not complying will be reported to the Board of Trustees for disciplinary action.
- I also understand that there are no Membership or Swim Lesson refunds of any kind.
- Guest pass refunds will be in the form of a Guest Pass Return Card that can be used on any day we are open. Guest pass Return Card(s) will only be issued if we close for a weather or health reason and we are not going to reopen on that day. The pass will be valid only for the current season. All memberships are valid through Labor Day of the current year.
- Lost & Found; Items that are being kept in the Lost & Found area will be held for a maximum of 15 days after hci they will be disposed of or donated to a local charity at the Club’s discretion.
- All persons using any of the club facilities do so at their own risk. The club will not be responsible for any accident or injury in connection with such use.
The lifeguard staff is not a babysitting service, they are there to supervise the whole pool not individuals. It is your parental obligation to watch your children and any child left in your charge. Our motto at the club is “If you are not within arm’s reach, you are too far”.
From time to time it will undoubtedly be necessary for the pool management or the guards to ask members to comply with request not specifically covered in these rules and regulations. All members and guest are asked to cooperate by following their instructions promptly.
Flagrant violation of the rules will result in suspension by management until a meeting of the Board of Trustees. Such suspensions will be a maximum of one (1) week, or until the Board of Trustees, meeting in special session, can designate an appropriate action.
Approved and accepted by the Board of Trustees
All complaints, suggestions and special request must be in writing, signed, and mailed to the River Edge Swim Club, 600 Riverside Way, River Edge, NJ 07661 or emailed to businessoffice@reswimclub.org