Party at the Pool

Reserve the canopy for a party! Have your party at the pool!

You must be a member to have a party at the pool.

To host a Pool party for your child or a group, the hosting member must schedule the party by choosing a date on the calendar below and filling out the required information. You will receive confirmation within 24 to 48 hours after submission of the form. A $125.00 non-refundable reservation fee will be charged to your Community Pass account. This fee must be paid within 48 hours after confirmation of your date. Nonpayment within the time frame will result in the loss of the reserved date. Remember that if you book more than one date, you WILL be charged the non-refundable reservation fee for the dates booked.

Your pool party is scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis, with the availability of open dates on the calendar below. The pool can deal with only one party on any given day. In the event of rain, the management team will attempt to reschedule the party if another date is available. Parties may be held between 12:00 noon am and 7:00 pm Monday – Sunday.

Alcoholic beverages and beer are NOT permitted on River Edge Swim Club property at any time. Should this occur, host members will be subject to suspension of family members for the remainder of the swim season. All food must be in Plastic containers or Aluminum trays, and Glass is not permitted.

At least one adult must be present for every six children. The member host of the party must inform their guests of the swim club’s rules and regulations and assume all responsibility for their guests during their visit to the swim club.

Guest must be paid for at the front desk on the day of the party. BOGO offers cannot be used for guests attending a party; the host/member must provide the front desk with a guest list upon arrival on the day of the party. Guest will be $15.00 ea.

The member host must ensure that the canopy area is clean and that picnic tables are returned to their proper locations. Parties must end no later than 7:30 pm to ensure enough daylight for the swim club’s clean-up crew to complete their clean-up assignments. 

Book your Party Below….

Opening Day:  Saturday, May 25, 2025; Closing Day: August 31st, 2025

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